

A layout can be shared between a set of pages and includes the skeleton for each page. The layout would be the perfect place to load your styles or external scripts.

Define layouts

Layouts will be loaded from the path that you have defined in the layouts block inside your luna.config.js. Each file corresponds to one layout.

// luna.config.js
layouts: {
    input: [path.join(__dirname, "views/layouts")]

Default layout

To define a default layout, just name your layout file default.js. This layout will be applied to all pages where it hasn't been overridden.

// default.js
export default (page, context = { }) => {
    return `
        <!doctype html>
        <html lang="">
                <title>luna-js - ${context.title ?? ""}</title>
                <link href="${luna.asset(`/assets/css/main.css`)}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
                ${context.head ?? ""}
                    ${page ?? ""}
                ${context.footer ?? ""}

Example of a layout file

Use a layout

To use a different layout from the default one, you have to define the name of the layout file.

export function layout() {
    return 'blog'

export default () => {
    return `
        <h1>A page with a layout</h1>

In this example we would load the blog.js file inside your layouts directory

Using page components

export default class {
    layout() {
        return 'members';
    get template() {
        return `<h1>Members area</h1>`;

In this example we are loading the members.js layout file.

Pass additional data to the layout

Sometimes there a little parts of your layout that can be different for each page. The page title would be a good example.

Export context function

One way to achieve this is to create a context function and export it.

export async function context() {
    return {
        title: "My page title",

export default () => {
    return `
        <h1>A page with a layout</h1>

Using the page component context

Inside a page component, the this context of the component will be passed along as context to the layout.

// The page component.
export default class {
    title = "My page title";
    layout() {
        return 'members';
    async loadDynamicProperties() {
        const user = await userService.current();
        return {
    get template() {
        return `
            My page component.
// The members.js layout file
export default (page, context = {}) => {
    return `
        <!doctype html>
        <html lang="">
                <!-- context.title will be "My page title". -->
                <!-- context.currentUserName will be the same as returned from 'loadDynamicProperties' -->
                <title>luna-js - ${context.title ?? ""} - ${context.currentUserName ?? ''}</title>