
Export / Static site generation

luna-js offers a few ways to export your page. Either completely static, dynamic or just your api.

Static export

Using luna-js as a static site generator is possible. The following command exports you complete application as a static site:

luna --export

Before you can export your site, you have to set you output inside your luna.config.js. Defaults to .export.

    export: {
        output: ".export"    


The loadDynamicProperties method cannot be called in a static context. If you export your page as a static site, it will only be called once on the export.

Api generator

luna-js also allows you to export your api routes as a standalone express application. This will only export your api, without any frontend assets.

To generate an api server, you can use the follwing command:

luna --export=api

You can configure where your exported api shoulld be saved. Defaults to the defined export output. To change the location or the name of the generated api export, set the output object inside your export section of your luna.config.js

    export: {
        output: ".export",
        api: {
            output: {
                directory: ".api",
                filename: "api-server.js"

Hybrid export

A hybrid export is useful for serverless environments or if you generated your static site, but don't want to loose all your serverside functionality. luna-js will generate a static site and export an express application which is configured to serve your exported static site and your api.

To generate a hybrid export run:

luna --export=hybrid


Exporting your api or hybrid api to a serverless environment is as easy as passing the additional --serverless flag to your export command.

luna --export=hybrid --serverless // or
luna --export=api --serverless

You may have to install your npm dependencies in your exported directory.


The loadDynamicProperties method cannot be called in a static context. If make a hybrid export of your application, it will only be called once on the export.

Changing the api/asset context

Your can override your configured api and asset context paths for your exports. To to so, specify these paths inside your export section.

This way you can host your api and your static site on different domains.

    export: {
        api: {
            context: '',
            domain: '<domain-of-your-hosted-api>'
        assets: {
            context: '',
            domain: '<link-to-s3-or-similar>'