You can have a css build that is not tied to components. For that you just have to
create an entry file (e.g. main.css
) and tell luna-js to process it.
luna-js uses postcss as a postprocessor. You can add your own postcss plugins to the build pipeline.
The css build can be configured in your luna.config.js in your
assets: {
styles: {
// An array of style bundles that should be build
bundles: [{
// The file(s) that should be used as an input file.
input: [ path.join(__dirname, "assets/css/main.css") ],
// The destination in which luna-js should output your
// styles. Should probably be inside your public directory.
output: "assets/css/main.css",
// An function returning an array of additional postcss plugins
plugins: () => []
} ]