


At its core luna-js is just a node application which uses express. As such it can be deployed on every server which has support for node.

Here is a nice documentation which explains how to setup a node application for production. The principles also apply to luna-js.

All your application logic will be bundled inside the the build directory so in most cases you don't have to deploy your pages, api, hooks or components directly.

Starting luna-js without the cli

It is probably a good idea to deploy your application without the luna-cli, as it ships with a lot of development dependencies which are not required for running luna-js. (But you don't have to).

To start luna-js without the cli, you can simply run the generated start script inside your build folder.

node .build/generated/start.js


luna-js can easily be deployed using the serverless framework.

  1. Install the serverless framework

See the official documentation.

  1. Create a minimal serverless entry point.

To deploy your luna-js application on lambda, you have to wrap luna with serverless-http. This can be installed with npm install --save-dev serverless-http.

// serverless.js

const serverless = require("serverless-http");
const { prepareServer } = require("@webtides/luna-js/src/framework");

const {callHook} = require("@webtides/luna-js/src/framework/hooks");
const {HOOKS} = require("@webtides/luna-js/src/framework/hooks/definitions");

module.exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
    const app = await prepareServer();

    await callHook(HOOKS.SERVER_STARTED, {

    return serverless(app, {
        binary: [ 'image/*', 'application/*' ],
    })(event, context);

Important: In most parts of your application, you have to use es imports. Here we have to use commonjs.

  1. Add a serverless.yml

Here is a minmal example serverless.yml:

service: example-application

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x
  stage: "dev"
  region: eu-central-1
  memorySize: 512

    handler: serverless.handler
      - http: ANY /
      - http: 'ANY {proxy+}'
        - "*/*"
        - ".build/**"
        - "node_modules/**"
  1. Setup AWS

To use the deployed application, you have to configure your api gateway to use a custom domain. You can find a documentation here.


The application that is deployed this way also servers static assets over lambda. While this is certainly possible, it could be a better idea to host your static assets in another place if your application uses a lot of static assets.