
List of available hooks

  • LUNA_INITIALIZE: Called right before the global luna object is initialized. Here you can modify the object

    • luna: The global luna object.
  • HOOKS_LOADED: Will be called right after all hooks have been loaded.

  • COMPONENTS_LOADED: Called after all available components habe been loaded.

    • components: An array of all available components
  • ROUTES_BEFORE_REGISTER: Called before the page and api routes will be registered.

    • router: The express app instance.
  • MIDDLEWARE_REGISTER: Here you can register additional express middleware.

    • app: The express app instance.
  • ROUTES_AFTER_REGISTER: Called after the page and api routes have been registered.

    • router: The express app instance.
  • SERVER_STARTED: Called after the express server has started. Here would be a good place to put your startup logic.

    • app: The express app instance.
  • REQUEST_RECEIVED: Will be called on every request, before passing the request to the route, but after the middleware registered in the MIDDLEWARE_REGISTER hook. Parameters:

    • request: The express request object.
    • response: The express response object.